A recent study from UnaFinancial has identified cybersecurity as the most influential factor driving the development of FinTech worldwide, with a 63% significance. The second most impactful factor is the average hourly wage rate, with a 13% significance.
The study showed that FinTech growth in Europe, America, and globally has the strongest correlation with the size of the cybersecurity market, with correlation coefficients of 0.8714, 0.9762, and 0.8607, respectively.
In Asia, however, FinTech growth was more closely tied to the size of the consumer electronics market (0.9403). Meanwhile in Africa, it correlated with consumer spending volumes (0.7427). Therefore, globally, cybersecurity emerges as the most significant driver of FinTech growth. More vital protection facilitates a more robust FinTech environment.
Economic Disparities with Cybersecurity: High Income vs Low Income Economies
Economic status also plays a crucial role in shaping FinTech dynamics. High-income countries display pronounced correlations with various factors. Notably, the size of the cybersecurity market (0.6923), consumer electronics market (0.5839), average wage rates (0.6237), and consumer spending volumes (0.6971) are all significantly linked to FinTech growth.
Conversely, low-income economies exhibit no substantial correlations with these factors, highlighting a disparity in FinTech development influenced by financial resources and technological infrastructure.
Middle-income countries show a more nuanced relationship, with FinTech volumes correlating with nominal GDP (0.5373), the cybersecurity market (0.5727), consumer electronics (0.5637), fintech hubs (0.5409), and consumer spending volumes (0.6136). This suggests that while multiple factors impact middle-income countries, cybersecurity remains a vital component.
Quantifiable Cybersecurity Impact on FinTech
Furthermore, another interesting finding was the measurable impact of various factors on FinTech transactions. For example, for every $1 million increase in the global cybersecurity market, FinTech transactions per adult are expected to rise by $31.6. Similarly, a $1 increase in the average hourly wage could boost FinTech transactions by $67.5. The establishment of just one more FinTech hub could increase global FinTech transactions per capita by $839.
Remarkably, as a country’s income grows, the correlation between FinTech growth and two factors—cybersecurity market size and average wage rates—becomes stronger. This means these factors may indeed influence the development of FinTech across a country.
A deeper non-linear analysis further validated the significance of these factors. It revealed that the cybersecurity market is the most influential driver of FinTech growth, with 63% of significance, followed by the average wage rate (13%). As we advance into an increasingly digital future, the investment in and enhancement of cybersecurity will remain a cornerstone of FinTech innovation and expansion.
UnaFinancial Study
The UnaFinancial study considered data from 2022 for 146 countries, which were grouped into four regions: Asia, Europe, Africa and America. The potential factors under consideration included gender ratio, nominal GDP per capita, Internet penetration, cybersecurity market volumes per capita, consumer electronics market volumes, number of FinTech hubs per 100,000 people, average hourly wages, consumer spending per capita, direct investment as a share of GDP, unemployment rates, trade volume relative to GDP, and share of urban population.
The study not only illuminates the integral role of cybersecurity but also provides a roadmap for understanding how various factors interplay to influence the global FinTech landscape. In this digital age, safeguarding financial transactions and technologies is as critical as ever. Moreover, ensuring that FinTech continues to flourish amidst evolving challenges and opportunities.
- Cybersecurity in FinTech